Advanced On Page SEO Techniques For Your Website or Blog

What is SEO?

Advanced on-page SEO techniques. SEO is the process of improving visibility for relevant searches. SEO improves your page’s visibility in search engines. Most popular search engine sites, such as Google, Bing, and Yandex, use bots to crawl pages on websites or blogs.

It collects information about the pages on the site and puts them in an index, and when users search for any keyword in the search engine, bots will determine the sequences of the pages and appear in the search result. SEO divided into a major two part:-

  1. On-page SEO
  2. Off-page SEO

What is on-page SEO?

By optimizing Meta title, Description, Heading tags, Inbound links, and outbound links, you could
increase the chances of higher rank in search engines. Basically, on-page SEO is those activities where you are directly involved and controlling the options related to the search engine.

What is off-page SEO?

Off-page concern with optimizing signal from outsider website, especially social links, backlinks, link relevancy, etc. Outside links mean you need to create value from other high domain authority.

For example, if someone outside your family refers you to a place at that time, your value must be impacted there. That’s the way high domain authority creates value.

But today we will focus on ‘on-page SEO’. I will try to share with you important on-page SEO techniques, and you can implement those techniques when you post something on your website or blog.

Advanced On Page SEO Techniques

The Most Important and Advanced On-Page Ranking Techniques

There are some features of a website or blog that are considered to rank. These features are creating an impact on page crawling and visitor views.


Keywords are the most important part of on-page SEO. Because a keyword is a synonym of the visitor’s mind, I mean whatever the text visitor will write in the search box, that is the ‘KEYWORD’. So choosing a proper keyword is necessary for your article’s ranking.

Once upon a time, an important keyword repeated multiple times on a web page gained a lot of traffic, but now search engines penalize for repeating keywords.

That’s why my opinion is to concentrate on the content and put proper keywords in the content or article. Then people will find your article and stay longer to read it.

Structure of the Page

Page structures are detected by the search engine. The title of a page, meta tag description, and header tags need to be SEO-friendly. Because search engines find the keyword through the structure of the pages.

Be sure to include keywords and other relevant information that indicates to search engines what the page is about. Most of the CMS platforms automatically create those HTML codes.

Title Tag

Here you have to mentioned your page title. Keep in your mind the ‘Keyword’ which you are using for this page you have to mention in the title. The title will reflect about your page details.

Meta Tag

In others word we can say that appears below the Url on a search engines result pages. When user search something in search engine, then result pages find the most appropriate result in a list.

If the tag description is not relevant with tile people may not interest to your article. So it is important to write proper or relevant text in meta tag. Use unique description for each posts.

Header Tag

Content should be organized into a different different section and subsections. Based on the content you can assign tags like Major header tag (H1), Header Tag (H2), Sub header tag (H3),  Minor header tag (H4),  H5, H6 etc.

Image Alt Text

It means the alternative text of an Image. If image doesn’t load properly then text will display instead of an image. So search engine can easily understand what it is an image of . An appropriate image alternative text also can help you to rank in Search Engine.


Content is king, so try to create engaging content for your website or blog. If you are unable to create content that peoples are finding in the web, then nobody staying in your website. Try to understand that the people want to read. Question them and answering their question for engaging.

To learn about ‘How to create Proper Content for Audience as an Expert, please visit our next post.

Inbound Links

Internal links also important factor for an on page SEO. Internal link means link with related pages on your website or blog. It is a easy way to crawl your site and keep your visitor more time.

Outbound Links

It is another way to crawling your website or blog by search engine. Good number of Domain Authority also increase your value in online. So try to keep proper linked with outside high domain authority sites.


Content (all the images, audio and video in the website or blog) should be updated and relevant with time and keyword. Try to keep update your pages at least once in a month or quarterly if not possible regularly.

Page Performance

Page performance indicating mainly page loading time. This is also very important as much content is important with others factor also. If your website or blog page doesn’t load or rendering properly in mobile or others device, users will irritated and they leave your site immediate.

Search Engine can detected this  and next time you site will not show in the SERPs. To take care your website loading time you may concern about:-

  1. Try to use low file size for the Images and Videos
  2. Use responsive web theme

Use Table Content

If you are writing detail article and the article is as so long as more than 3000 plus words. Then my suggestion is maintain a Table Content. By using a table of content, you are helping to the visitor to navigate your long article better.

Schema (Structured Data)

When you adding Schema in your Website or Blogs, you are helping Search Engine understand about your page content. You can generate schema for your Website or Blogs. Non WordPress user can generate schema from here. And add it manually on pages of your website or Blogs.

2020 Checklist for On Page SEO

I have already mention all essential tips and techniques for a proper On Page SEO. So, now you are experienced in terms of On Page. Though you are experience you have to prepare a checklist for possible rank higher in Search Engine. Lets start …

Keyword Tips & Tricks

  • Keyword must place in the Title
  • Try to use long tail keyword with high search volumn
  • Keyword must place in the first paragraph
  • Place your Keyword in the Permalink
  • Should use Keyword in Image Alt Tag and article title use in Image Title

2020 Ranking Factors

  • Make content user SEO friendly
  • Content should be based on Title
  • Meta Title should be within 70 character
  • Meta Description must not above 152 character
  • Add schema
  • Add Images, Videos and Map (optional)
  • Image & Video file size should be optimized
  • Page Load speed optimized by compress and resize the uploaded files (Images & Videos)
  • Create Inbound (internal) link with related post
  • Add external links with your related post
  • Add Social Media sharing button
  • Try to give feedback on visitor comments

above factor you may control by yourself except the Off page SEO. But
when you are starting your career in blogging then you have to maintain
the above points.

What are you using to optimizing your website or blog posts? You can share with me in the comments below!


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