Choose Your best Social Media Platform for Business.

social media platform


There are lots of social media platforms available to marketers today, and the ones you use can play a major role in your social media marketing success. Factors like your industry, audience, and brand can all influence the network you use.



A ubiquitous global social network used by 128+ billion to share photo, video and links, as well as to instant message. Everyone you know is on it so it lacks a cool exclusive appeal. Highly saturated with  brands, advertisers and click-bait.

  • Facebook is still, far and away, the most popular social media platform.
  • It boasts 1.79 billion worldwide users.
  • 73% of the use adult population.
  • The most evenly-distributed demographics of any platform.
  • 1.66 billion mobile active users.



271 million active users post text, links, images and 6 second videos in 140 characters or less. High volume content at such high seed can be overwhelming character limit is limiting.

  • Despite being arguably the second-most recognized platform out there, Twitter is fourth in usage.
  • 230 million monthly active users.
  • Delivers 1 billion unique visitors to websites via embedded links.



Instagram is a free photo and video sharing app available on Apple iOS, Android and Windows Phone. People can upload photos or videos to our service and share them with their followers or with a select group of friends. Primarily mobile app that 200+ million users share picture and short videos. Less one to one engagement then other networks complicated features may cause stress.

  • 400 million active users a month.
  • Instagram user base is skewed towards a younger demographics.
  • Instagram has a user engagement rate of 4.21%-far exceeding Facebook and Twitter.
  • 40 million photos are shared on Instagram everyday from a user based that is 75% outside the US.



Good features like circles communities and video hangouts. With fewer active users than most networks, participants are very responsive. 

  • Google+ users are 67% male.
  • The majority are in technical and engineering fields.
  • The average age, somewhat surprisingly, is 28.
  • Although the platform boasts 2.2 billion profiles, only 4 million or so are active. Right now Google+ service is not available.



Great for finding ideas around many topics inspiring and motivating. Very little social interaction with other topics tend to revolve around select categories (e.g, food, weddings).

  • Pinterest has, in the past year vaulted its way way to the #3 spot as most popular social media platform.
  • 21% of all US adults using it.
  • 84% of those users are female-which makes it the second most popular site by far for this demographics.

Linked In:

linked in

Valuable for job searching and exposure links, articles and communities in diverse industries. Entirely focused on business/careers. Unique features some of which are limited to the paid subscription aspect (LinkedIn Premium).

  • 414 million users.
  • 38% of internet users with an income of more then $75k are on the platform.
  • 79% of Linkedin users are aged 35 or older, making it the oldest platform in this list.
  • The three dominant sectors on the platform are high.



Young private cool mom-free Doesn’t store photos automatically. So it won’t take up memory in your phone. Privacy concerns spam issues limited functionality.

  • 50% of new users are over the age of 25.
  • 85% of monthly U.S. users are betwen 13 and 34.
  • 30% of teens rank Snapchat as the most important social network.
  • 7 of 10 users are millennial.
  • 60% of collage students say they’d purchase from a brand if sent a coupon on Snapchat.


Utilize the best online life stage (and organization) for your business

We have a full group of online networking pros who realize how to take full advantage of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and the sky is the limit from there. We’re continually exceptional on the most recent patterns and best practices with regards to internet based life showcasing, and we’ll endeavor each day to get you the outcomes that you need to see. With the intensity of online networking on your side, your business can develop more than ever!

It is safe to say that you are prepared to get more clients through the best internet based life stages for organizations? Get in touch with us today to spread out a procedure that will work for your business!

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