How To Increase Organic Traffic to Your Website or Blog

Increasing Traffic from Search Engine is an important for every Blog or Website. Because people how frequently reach to you or find you, this sense makes your Blog or Website ranked on search engine. Organic traffic is still best traffic for any blog or website, because it sends you highly targeted audience and if you can do it in a right way you will get free traffic.

organic traffic


There are many search engines like Google, Bing, but we mostly optimize
for Google as it’s one of the most used and popular search engines. In this article i will share those strategy which can be applied by you to start getting organic traffic from search engines.

Increase Traffic Organically in Website From Search Engine


seo - organic trafficThere is few popular ways to gain organic traffic from search engine. SEO is one of them. Obviously you have to introduce your website or blog in search engine and it will present your site to the audience. There are Two most important option of SEO and these are:-

  • On Page SEO
  • Off Page SEO
Before starting on page seo, you should check that your website is indexing and crawling by google bot. Create site map and submit it in search console. We generally want to give you tips on Website design enhancement and quality articles, both the things go connected at the hip when you need to produce traffic from web search. Article Title, Tags, Meta Tag, Description must be related with focused key. Try to keep at least one H1 tag in a article and the title should have the focused keyword.

Optimized Content

One thing you have to remember that whatever you are publishing that should be understand by Search engine. Because content marketing is a another popular way to attract organic traffic.  Always care about the keyword in article something that people are seeking. 

A Website selling electronic products, then your content also should based on what kind of new electronic technology are introduced in the technology world. I am sure technology lovers will find your article as their needs.

However, composing SEO advanced substance isn’t simple as it comprises of numerous means, which begins from doing keyword research, optimize friendly article and good promotion can gaining pure backlinks.


Backlink is one of the important part to gain the traffic from others. Because links directly connect with others blog or website. That’s why you have to create a good links with similar niche and which DA, PA is higher.

Guest posting is the best and easy way to get link to your site with others. Every article should be unique and attractive to gain the organic backlinks which will help a lot.

Publish You Blog Regularly

It is necessary to publish article regularly. If you do not publish article regularly search engine don’t like your blog. Maintaining a blog is not so tough, just need to be organized.

When you publish an article you have to also care about your niche. Posted Article must be related with your selected niche with proper keyword. You can maintain a schedule to publishing your article, it could be weekly, twice in a week or four in a month.

 Revisit Your Visitor

Once you have successfully complete the above topics that means your website or blog ranked on search engine and you are getting visitors. When regularly visitors are visiting your site the you have to concern also about ‘ Are they staying your website or blog?’. If you didn’t plan about it, then now times to make a plan for it. Returning visitors are the real audience and they want from you the best. These are the one who are doing marketing for you without your concern through sharing the article on social media.

That’s why you need to give them option to subscribe, this is a simple process to play. Now the 2020 every Website or Blog having social media pages but still you need to subscribe the via E-mail. Because you might not check everyday your social media pages but you always check your mail. The purpose of this when you will see the mail you will at least read and take any action on that.

Social Media Promotion

It is important to promote your website or blog in social media. Because when you will see something refer to you by your trusted person it can be your friends or relatives you definitely trust on it. And Search Engine understand it and they are using these social media share article as a ranking signal. That’s why you have to concern what you publish it should be sharable on social media.

There is no magic to getting a organic traffic for your website or blog. You just need to Organized and make a proper plan.


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