How To Indexing a Website or Blog in Google Search Engine

Brand is the most powerful way to reach people and influence to own something. That’s why every Business need to promote their brand to mass level of audience. And Website or Blog is an essential part of an online world. It is very important that your targeted clients can find you through Website or Blog by BRAND in every search engine.

Now many of the Business already added Blog in their Website for faster and easiest indexing and getting more traffic from Social Media and Search Engine. Today i am trying to contribute most popular way to rank your site in search engine in a short time. You can go with following steps with your new domain which you have choose or any site you have already own but no traffic getting from search engine.

Indexing a Website or Blog in Google Search Engine

website indexing

Step- 01

Go to Google search engine ( and type site:your domain and check in a SERPs that your site name is listing or not. If you don’t find your site name that means your site is not listed in google search engine. 


google search engine

Now please follow my next steps.


Search Engine bot comes into our site and it starts crawling based on ‘index’ and ‘noindex’ tags, it adds pages with index tags in that search engine. Actually indexing refers to search engines keeping a record of your website pages

By using meta tags we can manage which pages in the website can found in different different search engines.

Aside from On-page Website optimization streamlining like meta labels, meta depictions and on location Website optimization (noindex, nofollow), I utilized sitemap to place the sites into web crawlers in only a couple of hours.

Before you attempt to list another site, ensure you have your substance arranged, on the grounds that you don’t need Google bots to come and slither your unfilled landing page!

Ensure you do the all the necessary entirety of the fundamental on page SEO work referenced above first, and the go with the bellow steps.

Step- 02 Within a Hour Indexing a Website or Blog

You can apply this procedure for any landing page or blogs or in a website. If you are going to indexing first time for your customer then you need to analysis the index status. And then maintain these below processes. 

Submit Your Link to a Blog

We talk about blog catalogs and blog networks
like they were relics of days gone by, however in truth even today networks and
registries work.

Submitting you new website link or blog site to other sites will help in better
indexing and crawling of your link. Especially when you develop a new
website or blog, it takes time for search engine bots to find your website or
blog and crawl it, by submitting your site to these Websites which is listed
below, it will help in faster indexing.

  • Google Webmaster Tool: This is the
    official tool of google where you can submit your landing page or blog link and
    also able to submit a sitemap. 
  • Bing Webmaster Tool: Similar to
    Google tool and submitting your blog to this place will ensure your site is
    visible in Bing. 
  • Twitter:  Twitter is one of
    the famous social network site in the online world. A perfect Business profile
    on Twitter for your blog will help you to get a free link. 
  • Facebook: At the present Facebook
    is the right place for your audience. Create a Business or Fan page for your
    company and also submit company website.   
  •  Instagram: Best visualize your
    company product or services in this platform. Make a business profile and leave
    a link of your company website or blog. 
  • Google Analytics: To keep a track
    of your site stats then create a Analytic ID. I recommended for a new site to
    add Google Analytic on your blog.   
  •  Pinterest: It’s a image base
    social networking site. Submit your company blog or website link and verify
    then you can gain good backlink from here. 
  • Linked In: A professionals
    gathering field. Create a Company profile and put website or blog link and gain
    the best backlink and traffic.  
  •  Alltop: Not for new blogs,
    but if you have a quality blog, make sure you add your blog to Alltop. Very
    useful for giving good exposure to your site.

before, nonetheless, you ought not present your blog to each blog network or
registry. Rather, present your blog just to chosen blog network and catalogs,
making a point to avoid interface exchange directories. 

Your Website Sitemap

A Site map help to search engine crawlers to
effectively crawl your website or blog. So it is very important to create site
map for your website or blog. It’s very easy and simple, if you are using WordPress
then Yoast would be the best for site map create.


Comments on other Blog is an
effective way. It is not much important whether the comments link is do follow
or no follow but you have to continue the comments. Because search engine bot
follow the comment links and land on your site.


This is another exceptionally
compelling strategy, however some way or another inside four hours my site was
in the web crawlers notwithstanding the way that I didn’t look for social
bookmarking entries.

If you want to try, you can follow these are:-

  •  Reddit 
  •  Linked In
  • Twitter
  • Facebook Business Page 


Posting is one of the top most effective way to rank your site. But budget is a
big issue for this process. If you have proper budget then sit with a cool head
and write some business related post and publish in the others high DA, PA
blogs as a guest author.


it is possible for you or your clients, the backlinks
will drive some traffic
to your blog.

 IMT Website Submitter

IMT Website Submitter is a online tools, where system will submit automatically 1500 pluse placess.
All these 1,800+ websites are manly “who is”, “about us”, “website statistic”, etc. type of services. 

IMT Website Submitter

This tool creates pages about your website/blog on everyone of these
websites, resulting in about 1,500+ different pages in some cases with
backlinks pointing back to your website.

Ping Service

service notify multiple search engine about your existence at once. WordPress
default feature to ping
services. If you are using WordPress, you should update Ping services from your

Ping-O-Matic regularly check downstream services to make sure that they’re
legit and still work. So while it may appear like we have fewer
services, they’re the most important ones.

Make sure to only ping specialized services if they’re relevant to your blog, otherwise you’ll cause an undue burden on them.

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