How to Remove Footer Credit From Blogger Blog Site

What is Footer Credit?

Footer is a bottom part of a website where basically shows summary, most popular post, Tags, Labels and most important part is obviously credit note or copyright.

Free templates are also publish by some other companies or individuals and they mention their identity by the credit note. And they also try to secure this part, as if no one can change this credit note later.

Don’t worry. There is few simple coding, if you can put them into right place of HTML code it will work for yourself. But before starting you have to know basic HTML otherwise you can not find the HTML tags and put into the right place. So before star to edit the code take some basic HTML coding knowledge. w3school is one of the popular online tutorial site for HTM, CSS and other web programming language. You can browse for more information W3SCHOOLS.


Find the footer credit note (Like ‘TEMPLATE CREATED BY :THEMEXPOSE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.’). And select first few word or single word for example ‘Template created by’ then go to Blogger dashboard and select ‘Theme’ option



Then you will get ‘My Theme’ page where you can take backup, restore any supported theme from your PC or else and also customize your theme by using Wizard and Code.



Just click one Customize button arrow and select ‘Edit HTML’



Then you will see like below. Click on any where in the code and paste (ctrl+v) which you already copied from step-1. Press Enter button you, will find the <p> para where actually having the footer credit note (red marked circle).



]Just immediate of the red circle mark <p>, you have to paste the below red color text code. No need to delete anything. You need to do another thing. Find the immediate “</div>” code and make it duplicate just beside this like as the Fig:1.5

<p style=’text-align:left;’>Copyright (c) 2021 <a href=’’ style=’color:#0be6af;’>| ROS Teck Lab |</a> All Right Reseved</p>
<div class=’ty-copy-container row’ style=’font-size:1px; opacity:0;’>




Click on the top of the right corner save option and after successfully update the code View Blog Preview.You can see the new Credit Note.


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