How to Start Blogging with

Hello Bloggers

Welcome to our Blog Site. This is clearly identify that you are eager to start your blogging career. And today I am going to guide you how to start your Blogging career. 


What is Blog?

Blogging is an online journal or information website which is publish by chronological order in a Webpage or Website. That means Your last post in the webpage would be shown first order in the Home page. You can also say this is a platform where a writer or group of writer share their experience, skills or an article.

Requirements to start Blogging

After you decided that you are going to start blog writing then you need to take some preparation. Like the below mention points:

  • An active Email                                                
  • Select the platform where from you start
  • Select your niche
  • SEO friendly and responsive theme
  • SEO friendly article
  • Media file 

An active Email

Before start to blogging you have to select or create an email for interact with visitors or establishing a relation with blog readers. It is a good practice for attracting more or potential visitor into your blog site. Because people want to find the solutions which he/se cannot solve by themselves. Even if they cannot understand the solutions properly from your article they would like to ask more regarding subject from author. That’s why an email communication is an important for blogging.

Select Your Platform

During the blog starting time every blogger think from where to start?

In the online platform we can start our blogging career from free blog site and another is own created or paid theme and domain hosting.

Here are the few listed name for free Blogging Sites you can use to start your own blog from today:

  • Blogger (
  • Wix (
  • WordPress (
  • LinkedIn (
  • Weebly (
  • Medium (
  • Ghost (
  • Tumblr (

Niche Select 

Niche is very important when you think to start Blogging. 

What is niche?

Niche is defined as channeling all efforts towards
one well-defined segment of the population. There is one important thing
to understand that ‘niche’ does not exist, but is created by smart techniques and identifying what the customer wants. (source:

Alternatively you can say that niche is a different segment where a specific knowledge or information is available. The best way to select your niche is ‘focus on your strength’. That means which topics or which side your knowledge is strong and you can describe every angle and most importantly your audience understand your message. When you feel your strongest side and your audience also interact with you that means you are in your best niche.

Theme Selection

Theme should be device friendly and Search Engine Optimized. In the 2021 century, most of the people are doing their daily task (reading news paper, email, messaging & social media activities) by their mobile and Tab. So it is important to select the best responsive and SEO friendly theme for your Blog.  Here I putted three links where you will find Blogger Free and Premium theme.

🔴Theme Links:-

🔵 Sora Templates
🔵 Gooyaabi Templates

🔵 CSS Templates 

How to download and install free and premium themes from best sites. Lets have a look and learn and implement on your sites too. 

Write SEO Friendly Article for Your Blog

Content is King. So create king content for your blog. It is necessary to create Search Engine Optimized content title, tags, description. Before start to write your content select your keywords for the article. You can take help from below mention tools for keyword research.

The Free Tools are: 

  1. Google Trends;
  2. Keyword Generator;
  3. Keyword Sheeter;
  4. Answer the Public;
  5. Keyword Surfer; (browser extension)

The above tools you can use and you may find your best keyword for your article. But keep in mind, always try to select low competitive but high search volume keyword. Then you can rank your article quickly. For more about article, please visit:-

How To Write TOP Content Even You Don’t Have Experience


 Media File

Always use appropriate media file with your articles. And file size also important for blogging, because if media file size is too much big (or file size more than 80kb) then web page loading duration will long. That’s why always try to use below 100kb images and use external link for audio & video file then your web page will loaded faster. Media file also need to optimize by using Alter text and title edit. 

When you are doing blogging then you should thinking also about your media files because you media (image, audio & video) file also ranked in search engine. This is the way you have to start your blogging career and day by day you can develop and grow up your skills and experience.

After you have complete the first four points which I described in the above then you need to focus on your article topics and proper media files. A good and well describe content always create a value for your blogging career, if you able to satisfy your visitors your blogging graph will automatically touch your destination. For better knowledge or information you can follow your country best news paper or online journal. You can understand from their and share those information by your own style by your blogging.

Here is I have give a link to understand or How to start your blogging career by using a free platform (Blogger)- How To Start Professional Blogging.

6 thoughts on “How to Start Blogging with”

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