Popular Way To Optimize Images for Social Media or Website Post

What is Image Optimization?

Image Optimization in web is a process of delivering high quality images in the correct dimension, size, resolution and format without sacrificing quality of the images so that your website or business page load time is remain low.

According to the HTTP Archive, on an average near about 66% of a website or business pages weight is comprised of images. So it is necessary to reduce the size of the images without decreasing the quality of image, then the website or business pages will be impact on page loading speeds and user experience of visitors.

Important of Image Optimization

Page speed is varying with the amount of time taken by a web page to load completely. Media file or Image optimization helps in improving web page load speed, boosts websites SEO ranking, and improves visitor browsing experience. Page load speed is a ranking factor. Google doesn’t love slow websites just like its users. So when you think about website or any Business page you should think optimize image files.

Benefits of the Image Optimization:- 

  • Faster website load in any device (computer, mobile & tabs) 
  • Faster website, blogsite or business page rank in search engine 
  • Posted image rank in search engine 
  • Posted article rank in search engine 
  • User will get better browsing experience

Image Optimization Process 

There is few ways to optimize any image. But most popular way is to manual and online optimization. Today we will discuss about manual optimization. Let’s see step wise process for Image optimization.

Step 1

Select an image for optimize. Right click on the image file, go to properties option.

sample image
Selected Image

Step 2

Right click on the photo and select property option then you will view below option.

image property details
Right Click and Properties    

Step 3

Go to Details Tab and fill up Title, Subject, Rating, Tags, Authors, Date Taken. These options are necessary for optimization. You can also put information about Image and Camera portion too. But these are optional not necessary to put all the information. If you want to put the details in those option it would be great otherwise no issue regarding the Image Optimization. Just like the below image.

optimized image details
Optimized Image Details

When you would completed Step 1 to Step 3 then the image are ready for upload for website, blogsite or any business page. The whole process are also describe in the below video  link. Try once for better understanding.

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